College Admissions

Our top-tier college admissions services are designed to provide students with comprehensive guidance and strategic planning to maximize their chances of success in the highly competitive college admissions landscape.

Strategy Consulting for Grades 7-11

  • Overview

    New Summit’s Strategy Consulting program helps students design and follow through on an educational plan to get into a top college and to develop their leadership skills. Our Strategy Consulting serves all students while we aim to matriculate students to one of the nation’s top colleges. Structured as a 3-4 year program, our consultants guide students toward their best possible educational opportunities.

    Our Strategy Consulting services students toward their educational goals by providing a clear roadmap for academic success and coaching to develop leadership skills. Strategy consulting ultimately strives to maximize a student’s chance of desired admissions.

  • Student Analysis and Feedback

    We assess the academic and extracurricular status of a student as well as our student’s curriculum and interests to determine the perfect extra-educational opportunities:

    - Courses Assessment

    - Extracurriculars Assessment

    - Summer Programs / Academic Competitions

  • Full Roadmap

    With a head start, our consultants work with our students to determine the right high school career path, including advice on scheduling classes and standardized tests, as well as providing study strategies for SATs and ACTs, a reading list, and a comprehensive vocabulary program.

    - Course plan for entire high school career

    - Study plan for SAT/ACT , AP/IB programs / Standardized Test Timeline

    - Participation strategy for activities / Theme

    - College list & programs / College visit plan

  • Coaching and Mentorship

    Our consultants strive for a student-mentor relationship with our students. College counseling requires this level of trust and cooperation to ensure the student achieves their educational and professional goals. Through this relationship, our consultants motivate students to set high goals, while promoting individual accountability.

    - Evaluate long-term career goals

    - Detailed discussion of career options

  • Leadership Development

    We (not to mention colleges and employers) value developing leadership skills in all our students. We immediately seek leadership opportunities for our students and develop their teamwork and initiative with participation in extracurricular activities. Our students increase in self-awareness, self-motivation and set high goals for themselves in their personal and academic life.

    - Evaluate study habits

    - EQ diagnostic

    - Coach on self-management: effective study habits, developing goals, stress management

    - Developing communication skills

    - Leading teams

  • Elite Athletic Recruiting

    We specialize in Squash, Fencing, and Rowing.

    At New Summits. we have successfully assisted over 100 student athletes in squash, fencing, and rowing to secure recruitment from prestigious colleges. Our past student athletes have committed to the following list of renowned institutions:


    • Harvard
    • Yale
    • Princeton
    • Columbia
    • UPenn
    • Dartmouth
    • Cornell
    • MIT
    • Stanford
    • Tufts
    • Georgetown
    • Amherst
    • Williams
    • Middlebury
    • Bates


    • Harvard
    • Yale
    • Princeton
    • Columbia
    • UPenn
    • Cornell
    • Brown
    • Stanford
    • Duke
    • Boston College
    • University of Notre Dame


    • Harvard
    • Yale
    • Princeton
    • Columbia
    • Brown
    • Cornell
    • MIT
    • University of Washington
    • UC Berkeley

Application Packaging for Grade 12, Rising Seniors

  • Overview

    We help students from all educational backgrounds craft the strongest possible college applications. Our consultants have encountered every possible application. We embrace the individuality of each student and understand the difficulty of conveying that personality through a stressful application process. Together, we ensure students prepare unique applications among a sea of candidates. Our service includes comprehensive guidance throughout the application process.

  • Marketing Your Strengths

    - We determine the best course of action to help you stand out among other candidates:

    - Academic & Extracurricular Assessment

    - College Fit Assessment

  • School Selection

    - Our consultants establish rapports with each student, learning about their values, interests, and aspirations. We work with students to determine the perfect school for them using a set of tools:

    - Extensive Individualized Research

    - Early Decision/Deferral/Waitlist Strategy Consulting

  • Application Help

    - Finalizing College List

    - ED/EA selection

    - Up to 30 Essay Sessions (1hr sessions)

    - Resume Sessions

    - Interview Coaching Sessions

    - Application Review

    - Unlimited Application Consulting (Common App/ Non-Common App/UC App)

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